Evolution has provided us with a way to deal with trauma the moment it happens-yet our cultural training overrides our body’s natural instinct about what to do.
The result is that we often store the energy of trauma in the body leading to unexplained physical problems, emotional issues, and psychological blockages.
In Kinergetics Kinesiology® Kinesiology Unit 6 Trauma, we learn to:
???? Assess when trauma may be the cause of anxiety, insomnia, depression, and unexplained pain.
???? Apply specific Kiinesiology protocols to help return the client to a place of equilibrium and balance.
???? Demonstrate techniques for preventing trauma.
???? Learn unique methods from Philip Rafferty (Founder of Kinergetics), to release past trauma from the fascia, chakras, light bodies, muscles, meridians and TMJ.
???? Discuss methods and nutrition to develop resilience for future challenges.
???? Philip Rafferty’s breakthrough techniques have helped thousands of trauma survivors tap into their innate ability to release trauma- from combat veterans and auto accident victims, to people suffering from chronic pain, natural disasters or those with complex grief.
???? Unit 6 Trauma, teaches the kinesiologist, how to help their clients release their unresolved traumas and live more fully.
???? Unit 6 will take place with Philip Rafferty and Germaine Byrne, January 19th & 20th 2023 Tasmania, Australia.
Early booking is strongly advised to secure your place at this workshop.
E: info@Kinergetics-reset.com
#kinergetics #kinesiology #RESETtmj #limbicsystem #amygdala #philipraffertykinergetics