What is RESET TMJ®?
RESET TMJ® (Rafferty Energy System of Easing the Temporomandibular Joint) is a simple, painless and effective technique that can be used to balance yourself and others. RESET TMJ® directs healing energy through the muscles, nerves and ligaments in the jaw to achieve a state of balance quickly and easily.
Even though RESET TMJ® is extremely powerful, it is so simple that it can be used by anyone, anywhere, anytime!
How it came to be….
In 1995 Philip developed his RESET TMJ® 1 workshop (Rafferty Energy System of Easing the Temporomandibular Joint) which is a gentle non muscle testing workshop that addresses specific TMJ Jaw issues. RESET TMJ® was derived from some of the TMJ work that was part of Kinergetics® Kinesiology modality which Philip developed in 1991.
Philip developed RESET TMJ® 2 in 2012. This workshop is useful for maintaining the improvements from RESET TMJ® 1.
Philip originally created RESET TMJ® for his clients in Melbourne, who could learn a simple yet effective method of treating their TMJ problems for themselves and their families. The forty-minute treatment has key holding positions for certain positions and lengths of time in the muscles around the jaw, mouth and head area.
Therapists of different modalities often train in this modality and combine it with their existing practice e.g. dental, osteopathy, chiropractic. RESET TMJ® 1 is taught over four hours and is recognised as a good foundation to further develop working with muscles, energy imbalances and emotional stressors that Kinergetics later teaches.

In 2012 Philip created RESET TMJ® 2 which has energetic corrections for specific imbalances e.g. Whiplash, Frozen Shoulder, Bruxism, Lower Back Pain, just to name a few.
This workshop concentrates on specific energetics protocols that may alleviate the following health conditions.
- Allergies
- Arthritis
- Back problems
- Bed-wetting
- Bruxism
- Chronic fatigue
- Chronic pain
- Clicking jaw
- Concentration
- Dental work
- Detoxification
- Digestion
- Earache
- Ear pressure
- Feet/Ankles
- Grinding Teeth
- Headache
- Hearing
- Hip problems
- Jaw bite/pain
- Learning/Dyslexia
- Migraines
- Muscular problems
- Neck problems
- Relaxation
- Rheumatism
- Shoulder problems
- Sinus
- Sleeplessness
- Snoring
- Tinnitus
- Tummy aches
The Kinergetics RESET® International Trust actively manages the licensed RESET TMJ® practitioner and instructor programmes, publishing, accreditation, international representation at conferences, seminars and demonstrations.
RESET TMJ® has been taught in over 23 countries to approximately 40,000 students.
Many professionals attended the workshops after hearing about the results, and some instructors now teach RESET TMJ® 1 as an eight hour workshop, with more information on the Anatomy & Physiology.